
Commissions are a beautiful way to feel connected to the art you own or gift.
I am currently taking commissions and would love to hear from you no matter the idea.

I can work off photos, they don’t have to be good quality or taken well.
I can also come onsite to get preliminary sketches if it is close to Melbourne, Victoria.

Example of commissions I have done in the past
- Landscape/garden that is signifiant to client
- Kids bedrooms filled with their favourite animals
- Outback scenery
- Tree’s loved ones were gifted
- Landscape’s from childhood homes with scenery

Send an email to
or fill out the form on the contact page

Please let me know these details:

  • Name

  • Location

  • Idea for the drawing

  • Roughly how much you are wanting to spend/size of the artwork

  • Do you have a time frame?

  • Would you like it framed or unframed

    We can discuss from there. I can’t wait to here from you!